Sunday, May 31, 2009


I often visit May be you can call that the most frequented site nxt only to the ubiquotous Google by yours truly! I love it just for its content and the good coverage that is often pan-indian! yeah... PAN-INDIAN! I mean every bit of the word!

Often, I feel that southern content dont get much of space in other general content websites. Why is it so???

*Politics is by default New Delhi and other northern states (The content might get as dumb as chasing the Gandhi family wherever they are or as hilarious as the activities of Lalu or Mayawati... hey.. we do have some comedians down here!)

*Movies by default mean Bollywood!

*Songs(Most of such sites allow you to hear songs online!) are often is some Himesh reshmaiyya Crap (with due respect for his nasal talent!!)

*Sports fortunately for some reason is covered across the length and breadth of the country... and so seems pretty O.K!

I even felt the same with News channels on TV! NDTV went to the extent of lauching a half-hour show called 'Southern Edition' thus validating the fact that southern states werent given their due! TV 18 went a step ahead - they introduced a show called "UP SOUTH"(felt lik it was a dig at the often used phrase - DOWN SOUTH!)

Recently though that's changing! The reason behind that is the stark fact that more than 50-60% of the viewers of such news channels are from the 4 southern states(TN, KER, AP & KAR)! So these media houses are forced to provide southern content!

The fact remains that India is a pluralist nation and so you need to give a wide range of content that can please everyone (may sound utopian....but strive for it!)

Tail Piece :
Because of its pan-indian content rediff user comments section often has heated argument over issues discussed often with a regional bias! Though it sometimes is thought provoking.. it ends up nasty most of the time!

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